Activities and projects I am or was engaged in:
- FelS, short for “Für eine linke Strömung” [Towards a Left-Wing Current], a group in Berlin committed to sociocritical politics
2013 – … - Blockupy-Plattform Berlin [Blockupy Platform], a local group of the Blockupy coalition committed to crisis resistance and “real democracy”
2013 – …
- Echte Demokratie jetzt! Erlangen [Real Democracy Now!], a local group of the Echte Demokratie jetzt! movement committed to “real democracy”
2011 – 2012 - Computer Science Studies at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
2006 – 2012 - Bildungsprotest Erlangen [Education Protest], a local group of the Bildungsstreik movement committed to a just education system
2009 – 2011 - and probably much more…