Category Archives: Spreact

Spreact #1

Today we are happy to introduce Spreact, a new open source platform for decentralized events and actions (i.e. events / actions that happen not in one, but several locations). The name Spreact is a combination of the words to spread and to act.

The first release lays the foundation of the platform and is ready to be used for sharing decentralized events. It features:

  • Creating and editing events
  • Creating, editing and deleting local events
  • An event page containing a map of local events
  • A welcome page displaying an overview of events
  • Authentication (login via email) and authorization

You can see it in action on:

Get it

Spreact #1 is immediately available for download at:

Ideas, Bugs, Questions

Ideas, bug reports and questions are always welcome and appreciated.

Ideas for new features and enhancements can be proposed with’s feedback tool:

For more information on Spreact visit: