Tag Archives: Release

Spreact #1

Today we are happy to introduce Spreact, a new open source platform for decentralized events and actions (i.e. events / actions that happen not in one, but several locations). The name Spreact is a combination of the words to spread and to act.

The first release lays the foundation of the platform and is ready to be used for sharing decentralized events. It features:

  • Creating and editing events
  • Creating, editing and deleting local events
  • An event page containing a map of local events
  • A welcome page displaying an overview of events
  • Authentication (login via email) and authorization

You can see it in action on: http://spreact.org

Get it

Spreact #1 is immediately available for download at: https://launchpad.net/spreact/+download

Ideas, Bugs, Questions

Ideas, bug reports and questions are always welcome and appreciated.

Ideas for new features and enhancements can be proposed with spreact.org’s feedback tool: http://spreact.idea.informer.com

For more information on Spreact visit: https://launchpad.net/spreact

libsoylent v0.5.0 “let’s talk about…”

Version 0.5.0 brings online-functionality to libsoylent. Want to launch a chat with someone? One function call. Want to see who’s online? One function call. Want to see someone’s online-status? You get it.

This release is also the last one for Google Summer of Code 2008. It’s the result of about four months of work. Phew.

The plan for the next release is that it will be a pure documentation and bug-fixing release. Also in that version: libsoylent will stop taking control of strings passed to it.


  • implemented Telepathy / Mission-Control / Empathy support
  • implemented various functions / methods for IM-information (get online-people, get presence etc.)
  • added communication functions (e.g. launching a chat with someone)
  • added an example for online-functionality
  • enhanced documentation
  • fixed some bugs


libsoylent is available for download at:



Feature requests, questions and related discussion go to the Soylent mailinglist. You can join at:


If you found a bug please report it at:



More information on libsoylent is available at:


libsoylent v0.4.0 “small step, giant leap”

Let me present you the newest version of libsoylent: 0.4.0. Three weeks of hard work went into this release, and in fact so much was added and changed that we decided to skip a version-number. Sorry 0.3.0.

So, what’s in it? More or less a complete people-management-library. Our goal was to create a simple yet-powerful API that “just works”. Hopefully we managed that. If you have no clear picture of what libsoylent is or just want to know more about it, look at the examples we’ve put up on the libsoylent-page.

What comes next? Because the library is that new and fresh, much testing will be needed. If you want to help, just play around with libsoylent and report bugs that you may encounter to our mailinglist. Thanks! Besides, next to the need of more documentation and polishing, here is a list of features that will follow in the next releases:

  • live-attributes (e.g. online-status)
  • communication (launch applications for chat / mail etc.)
  • address-book searching (atm you can only get all people)
  • people association / merging

Please leave a comment on my blog if you have thoughts, ideas, criticism, feature-requests or suggestions for changing something. Just let us hear your opinion.

Anyway, if you’re working on something that needs people-functionality, why not give libsoylent a try?


  • creating and modifying attributes works
  • adding / removing attributes to / from people works
  • attribute-mapping (for C runtime-types) implemented
  • attribute-system (definition, cleanup and to-string functionality) implemented
  • changes to people can be commited
  • loading people from the addressbook implemented
  • signals for SlBook, SlPerson and SlAttribute implemented
  • integrated gtk-doc
  • added a bunch of documentation
  • added more tests
  • added example-code (three examples)
  • revised architecture
  • a lot of internal-code improvements
  • fixed a bunch of bugs
  • added debugging functions
  • a lot of polishing was done (code-cleanup, convinience functions and macros etc.)


libsoylent is available for download at:



Bugs, feature requests, questions and related discussion go to the Soylent mailinglist. You can join at:



More information on libsoylent is available at:


libsoylent v0.2.0 “management qualities”

The second release features the basic functionality one would expect from a people-library. Create addressbooks and add some people to it. And then remove them again. People management at its basic level.


  • creating, opening and deleting addressbooks implemented
  • added tests for addressbook functionality
  • creating people implemented
  • people can be added and removed to / from addressbooks
  • added tests for people functionality


libsoylent is available for download at:



Bugs, feature requests, questions and related discussion go to the Soylent mailinglist. You can join at:



More information on libsoylent is available at:


libsoylent v0.1.0 “the seed”

The first release of libsoylent is finally there. It contains the most important GObject classes and many function and method stubs and should provide a good ground for the next upcoming features. You can’t do much with it, but you will get a good impression of the whole libsoylent architecture.


  • created basic architecture (SlPerson, SlGroup, SlBook, SlEntity, SlEntityHandler)
  • created basic test-suite
  • implemented listing and creating addressbooks


libsoylent is available for download at:



Bugs, feature requests, questions and related discussion go to the Soylent
mailinglist. You can join at:



More information on libsoylent is available at:
