Spreact #1

Today we are happy to introduce Spreact, a new open source platform for decentralized events and actions (i.e. events / actions that happen not in one, but several locations). The name Spreact is a combination of the words to spread and to act.

The first release lays the foundation of the platform and is ready to be used for sharing decentralized events. It features:

  • Creating and editing events
  • Creating, editing and deleting local events
  • An event page containing a map of local events
  • A welcome page displaying an overview of events
  • Authentication (login via email) and authorization

You can see it in action on: http://spreact.org

Get it

Spreact #1 is immediately available for download at: https://launchpad.net/spreact/+download

Ideas, Bugs, Questions

Ideas, bug reports and questions are always welcome and appreciated.

Ideas for new features and enhancements can be proposed with spreact.org’s feedback tool: http://spreact.idea.informer.com

For more information on Spreact visit: https://launchpad.net/spreact

Jetzt wird’s kritisch! – Gemeinsam das Ganze verändern

Aktionstag am 14. Juli auf dem Schlossplatz in Erlangen.

Die Welt ist in Bewegung – egal ob in Ägypten, Griechenland oder den USA. Überall gehen Menschen auf die Straße, diskutieren und protestieren. Angesichts sozialer Ungerechtigkeit, Verarmung breiter Bevölkerungsschichten, Umweltzerstörung, Demokratieabbau und Kriegen ist eines klar – es wird kritisch!

Die weltweite Unzufriedenheit und Empörung wächst und immer mehr Menschen hinterfragen grundlegend, was um sie herum passiert und werden selbst aktiv. Diese Bewegung möchten wir auch nach Erlangen tragen und laden alle interessierten Menschen zu einem Aktionstag mit interaktiven Workshops auf dem Schlossplatz ein. Diese werden vielfältige Themen wie Kapitalismuskritik, Demokratie, Krisenpolitik, Nachhaltigen Konsum, Möglichkeiten der gesellschaftlichen Veränderung und Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen haben. Zusammen möchten wir verschiedene Aspekte der momentanen Lage diskutieren, uns kreativ und kritisch damit auseinandersetzen und austauschen. Damit ist der Wunsch verbunden, Menschen zusammen zum Nachdenken und auf neue Ideen zu bringen und einen Ausgangspunkt für weitere Aktionen zu setzen. Hinkommen, mitreden und mitmachen – denn nur gemeinsam können wir das Ganze verändern!

Das “Jetzt wird’s kritisch!”-Bündnis sind (alphabetisch) Attac Erlangen, Banda Sinistra, der Dritte Welt Laden Erlangen, das Erlanger Sozialforum, die Grüne Hochschulgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg, die Jusos Erlangen, LUKS, Occupy Erlangen und weitere Individuen.

Quelle: http://jetztwirdskritisch.wordpress.com/aufruf/

Frankfurt (Ein Gedicht)

Wenn in deiner Stadt Versammlungen und Proteste angekündigt werden

Dann behaupte, dass eine Armee von Gewalttäter_innen deine Stadt verwüsten wird
Verbiete die Proteste
Verbiete alle Versammlungen, die zeitgleich stattfinden
Verbiete alle Versammlungen, die die Verbote anprangern
Verbiete den Menschen deine Stadt zu betreten

Dann schließe deine Hochhäuser
Vernagle deine Geschäfte
Schließe deine U-Bahn-Stationen
Verschiebe deine Feste
Schließe deine Universitäten
Verkleide dich

Dann setze tausende Polizist_innen ein
Komme mit Wasserwerfern und Räumpanzern und Pferden und Hunden
Riegle deine Stadt ab

Dann finde alle, die in deinen Augen aussehen wie Aktivist_innen
Halte ihre Busse und Züge auf
Halte sie stundenlang fest
Durchsuche sie
Ziehe sie aus
Nimm ihnen weg, was sie zum Schlafen brauchen

Dann verbiete ihnen sich zu treffen
Verbiete ihnen zu gehen und zu sitzen
Verbiete ihnen das Singen und ihre Bücher und ihre Worte

Dann verfolge sie
Kessele sie ein
Räume sie weg, auch mit Gewalt bis sie schreien
Schlage sie, wenn niemand hin sieht
Umzingle sie, so dass niemand sie sehen kann
Und sperre hunderte ein

Dann, ja dann verteidigst du deine Demokratie

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Blockupy Frankfurt

Blockupy Frankfurt

Resistance against the austerity regime of the Troika and the government – for international solidarity and democratization of all spheres of life

We call for European days of protest against the European Union’s crisis regime in Frankfurt am Main from May 16-19. We intend to carry the resistance against the EU crisis regime, which is currently hurling millions of Europeans of different nations into poverty and distress, to one of the wellsprings of the crisis: right into the middle of the Frankfurt banking district, the seat of the European Central Bank (ECB) and numerous powerful German banks and corporations. We object to all attempts to use nationalist slogans to set employed, unemployed and precariously employed people against each other, no matter whether they live in Germany or Greece, in Italy, France or in other countries. We take a stand for solidarity with the people and movements all over Europe that have been fighting against the attack on their lives and their future in the past months. We will demonstrate against the policies of the EU and the Troika and block the ECB and occupy public places in the Frankfurt banking district: We are BLOCKUPY!

The North African uprisings of the past year have swayed power structures that had been cemented into place over decades. Everywhere on the globe, this rallying cry for a new start has energized people and inspired them with courage. In the USA and in Europe, too, tents have become symbols of protest. In Spain tens of thousands have occupied the central squares and called for “Real Democracy Now!” In Tel Aviv, entire streets were transfigured into camps, and huge rallies placed rising living costs center stage. In Greece, enforced public spending cuts and other neoliberal outrages met with a response of mass uprisings and a series of general strikes.

Initiated by Occupy Wall Street and seemingly out of nowhere, a worldwide movement against the rollback of democracy and attacks on social security and public services has formed. Worldwide, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets to protest internet censorship. The camp at the site of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt continues to exist.

In numerous countries of the European Union, movements and protests are targeting the massive spending cuts imposed by governments of all political persuasions. Wages are reduced, retirement age is hiked up, jobs in the public sector are slashed and public services are closed down by the dozens. In nearly all countries, there are cutbacks in health services and education. Of the billions used to “rescue” the euro, not a cent goes to the people in the affected countries. Instead, the lion’s share flows back to the banks themselves.

The austerity policies imposed by the EU Troika, consisting of the Commission of the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and dominated by the German and French governments, amounts to a de facto abolition of democratic procedures. In Greece and Italy, for instance, “technocratic governments” have been installed, whose task is reduced to simply implementing the austerity policies from Brussels.

Let’s counter their austerity politics with our solidarity! Let’s show loud and clear that we are not going to stand by while the consequences of the crisis are placed on the shoulders of working, unemployed and retired people, as well as students, refugees and many others, whether elsewhere or right here.

The Frankfurt days of protest follow right on the global action day on May 12 and the anniversary of the first asamblea in Madrid. At the same time, there will be direct action against the G8 summit that has already been moved from Chicago to Camp David due to worries regarding protests.

On May 17, we will occupy the parks and central squares of the city of Frankfurt, creating space for our discussions and exchange of ideas. On May 18, we will block the regular business operations of the Frankfurt banks to give our anger over the Troika’s policies a tangible shape. To bring home the protests’ broad base, we will gather for a final mass rally on May 19. Traveling from various countries and regions, people will converge in Frankfurt to join the days of protest.

BLOCKUPY FRANKFURT, is a movement of groups and activists from the occupy movement, from jobless initiatives and crisis action groups, trade unionists, of activists from Attac, from environmental, peace action, anti-racist, immigrant and anti-fascist initiatives, of groups and organizations of the radical left, youth and student organizations and of activists of diverse local struggles and from left parties.


M12 Erlangen – united, worldwide for real democracy and global change

M12 Erlangen

On May 12th, thousands of people all over the world will take to the streets and reoccupy the public squares to continue what began in 2011. They will protest against an unjust and undemocratic economic and political system. They will raise their voice for radical global change. They will begin to again shape their own future. Occupy Erlangen // Echte Demokratie jetzt! Erlangen [Real Democracy Now!] joins the worldwide movement with an open assembly in the central square of Erlangen.

Guest Speaker at Debate “Give Me Something That Remains.”

Tonight, there will be a debate in Erlangen about the recent education protests that took place in Germany and Europe, to which I’m invited as a guest speaker. The discussion will cover the analysis, criticism and perspective of the protests, what difference the protests made and if / how we can achieve a just, democratic and emancipatory education system.

10dec Erlangen – United for Human Rights and Global Change

On December 10th, people all over the world again will take to the streets. They will raise their voice and take action for global change – and human rights.

10dec Flyer Web

Echte Demokratie jetzt! Erlangen // Occupy Erlangen [Real Democracy Now!] joins the movement on this global day of action with a visual public discussion.

Occupy FAU

Has the time come for a new student movement?

On November 17th, International Students’ Day, people across the world will protest for a just and emancipatory education system. Inspired by the global Occupy- / “Real Democracy Now!”-Movement, there will be an open assembly at the University of Erlangen where students come together to discuss the issues of the current education system and the society as a whole – and to take action. More information…

15.O – United for Global Change

Today, on the 15th October, people in hundreds of cities all over the world will take to the streets for real democracy and global change.

We, Echte Demokratie jetzt! [Real Democracy Now!], a group of people that first came together in May in solidarity with the Spanish protests, also call for an open assembly on the central square in Erlangen. More information…

Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s – Animal!

Margot & The Nuclear So and So's - Animal!

Animal! from Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s is one of those rare albums where almost everything is done right and almost every song is a joy to listen to. It starts off with three weaker tunes only to show its full potential beyond. Most of the tracks are remarkably imaginative and combine fancy turning points with sections of different style. Below is a pick of the best songs of this album and all of them really stand out: